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Wisbar Launcher Request List

Wisbar Android

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#1 LeSScro



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Posted 16 October 2012 - 11:58 PM

Lot of you use wisbar on Windows mobile and now migrate to Android...
Android OS is powerfull and fully responsicve OS but have some inconvenient and advantage...

Design an UI is hard (iPhone, Windows Phone, Mozilla & cie) and on Android there is no way to create a real alternative UI like Wisbar on WInmo.

Then i try to have from Veteran and New some inspiration and idea to help chris in good direction.

# My Wishlist :
- Ability to reproduce a big part of Wisbar WinMo version
- Ability to create/export skin in apk format ( a must have to use market feature)
- Maybe add a contest (beta tester to have a default UI)
- Add dock feature, slide feature in object (like volume slider), add slide feature in page (up, down, left and right)
- support edit mode for final users... i remember use mortscript to create a new LNK with specific image more easily than grid feature...
i talk about, i made a specific icon, and user can only use MY Icon list !

Update list
- ability to hook/intercept all notification, will be un to create a good notification visual to match with a theme
- Can dock can scroll in same time and at different position not only go out of screen, maybe more hard... but i have a small dock, i want it push only other in his way not eject him !!

... i will add more and try to add all entry in 1st post !!


- I'd love to see an Ansbar ;-) launcher as well.


- i'd like to see an element, that follows touch coordinates.


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#2 Massamino



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Posted 19 October 2012 - 01:52 PM

I'd love to see an Ansbar ;-) launcher as well. All those existing Android launchers in the end all look and feel the same.

I heard in the old forum that Chris was building a launcher, but didn't hear anything more about it afterwards.

I still hope he hasn't give up on it.
- Sony Xperia Z1 (JB)
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- HP HX 4700 (Windows Mobile)
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- Nokia 6110 (Symbian)
- Sony ? (?)

#3 LeSScro



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Posted 19 October 2012 - 10:32 PM

added your idea !!


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#4 PDAXpert



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Posted 20 October 2012 - 03:34 PM

i'd like to see an element, that follows touch coordinates.

I was missing this feature in my windows/linux themes all the time...

#5 LeSScro



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Posted 20 October 2012 - 10:37 PM

+1 coordinate is a must have if we can make something similar on OS android because everything work with grisize... bad taste !!

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#6 LeSScro



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Posted 04 December 2012 - 02:57 AM

Still waiting about a Beta or something like that... my brain burn... create is my dope... and Wisbar is my dealer... when i can expect a beta ?

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#7 Chris



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Posted 04 December 2012 - 08:07 AM

The beginning of the year. I have had next to no time to work on it lately. But, I've got it going now. I'm trying to find a way to differentiate myself from the other launchers out there. For instance, using third-party widgets you can currently come up with a large number of customization options, but there are still some limitations. They each seem to be limited to a single dock (which is scrollable, though).

I'm also trying to differentiate it from WAD (the Windows Mobile version) because Android has its own design language. It's been an interesting design phase. Instead of just using a global type of object called a dock I'm creating two objects:
1) a dock which sits at the side of the screen
2) popout windows that can be viewed and hidden

The other thing I've been trying to work out is the grid. Android's launchers tend to use a grid system for application shortcuts. This is where I'm running into the most problematic issues. I've thought about having a generic grid object where standard Android shortcuts can be dropped when not in design mode. The grids will also have to support widgets as well as drag and drop folder creation. I've had some issues with this particular area, but I think I've finally come up with a solution.

The final thing I've been trying to do is come up with some unique feature for the app drawer. I had been designing a more traditional and boring app drawer. But, I think I've come up with a really good idea that no one else is doing yet.

Just as a note, the beta will not have any of the flashier animations that other launchers have as I have not figured those out yet. WisBar Launcher is being designed from the ground up rather than building on the existing launchers and I have no idea how to create a "ball" or spherical animation for the app drawer (for example like ADW.Ex). Hopefully I'll figure those out in time.

#8 LeSScro



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Posted 04 December 2012 - 09:05 AM

Happy to read all this stuff... i have lot hope in this launcher... bored by all other launcher atcually on the market... as i can say previously, none of them can really had an editor to create something different..; need had lot of mix of apps to mimic something like slider...

Wisbar Windows was the best ever... but i agree Android maybe can't reproduce this awesome launcher with all stuff because android is limited by his conception of screen and UI....


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#9 Chris



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Posted 04 December 2012 - 09:16 AM

That's what I'm hoping to get around. I want to bring a lot of WAD to Android, but still not completely alienate new users who prefer the Android way of doing things. So I've been stuck in this design rut for quite some time. Thankfully, I think I've gotten past that.

As it stands right now, what I have right now is a blank desktop with just an app drawer button that can be moved around. And I have a working app drawer. More to come soon!

#10 Nicaragüense



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Posted 05 December 2012 - 11:37 PM

take a look a lightning launcher and sslauncher. those are very open ended when it comes to item placement. No where near what you had on wisbar for windows though. tsf shell also hes a way of organizing your stiff without a grid style like adw or go launcher. Sweeterhome is also very flexible, but still unrefined. that one has a awkward placement system for the widgets. i really enjoyed having the ability on wisbar to map buttons to the music player and things like that. allowing the embedding of that and maybe videos in a freeform way would be sweet. that allows for the skin designer to make it all look fluid. i know that may not be feasable though due to memory restraints. I am looking forward to the beta.

ps. Keep up the good work Chris. its been a long time since the winmo days, hope to be running your launcher soon

#11 Nicaragüense



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Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:19 PM

So I was thinking about wad and what I used to like/enjoy about it and how to further implement it here. Almost all the android launchers have the 4 or more items on the bottom that persist regardless of the screen you are on. That is cool but would be nice if you could make that dock like wad. Where you could size it and place it wherever. Or have a way of making multiple docks. If possible this would allow one to add say, a clock to the lower/upper edge of the screen, but it would not move regardless of scrolling left or right to another page. Combine that with the ability to use widgets in those docks and holy hell... thatd be nice. Maybe another way would be to allow you place items on two layers. A front layer which swipes left to right and a rear layer which is basically a static page. Or vice versa.. I have lots of thinking time on my hands. A integrated sorta lock screen would be nice.. i always thought , "what the hell is the point of putting all this widget info in my home screen if it is not what i see when i turn the screen on". If it allowed basically a transparent overlay on your home screen... or that widgets layer to show. As I said before, i know the memory you are allowed to use is limited so some of these things maybe too much to ask but why not..

The more and more I think of it wad would be awesome on android.

Sent from my A100 using Tapatalk 2

#12 Chris



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Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:50 PM

That is definitely behavior I'm working on. You can have up to four docks: one pinned to each side of the screen. Then, the other feature that docks were used for in WAD will simply be popup windows that can be hidden or shown on command.

The layers idea is interesting, but I'm not sure precisely how I would implement it. That bears some thinking...

#13 LeSScro



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Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:36 PM

+1 about layer feature... my brain have lot of another idea...

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#14 dancer_69



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Posted 07 December 2012 - 04:00 PM

I' m very glad that I hear some good news about Wisbar Launcher. I've been stuck with sslauncher, which is the only launcher which give the opportunity to customise android screen. With the addition of UCCW widget give high possibilities to customisation, but cannot compare with WAD and is still quite buggy and crashes easily.

#15 LeSScro



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Posted 03 March 2013 - 11:20 PM

I have a request onem ore time, Mister Chris Mackay, is there any ETA about Wisbar on Android ?

Progress status ? or something to be patient ? :wacko:

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#16 LeSScro



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 10:45 PM

Any good news mate ?

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#17 Chris



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Posted 27 March 2013 - 01:09 AM

Sorry about the lack of updates. My development machine (and the computer I use for everything) had the CPU fan die and then the CPU itself burn out. I'm in the middle of waiting for some Newegg orders to get here next week, but in the meantime I was able to revive an older computer to get back up and running.


I've had some ideas, but I've run into some interesting limits due to Android itself. I've come to realize that there's a reason why everyone is using a grid pattern in their launchers, so I'm trying to figure out a way to get around that. That way WisBar doesn't become just another Android launcher.

#18 LeSScro



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Posted 27 March 2013 - 02:03 AM

i hope... you move this grid out of android... and come back to move something where you want... the best way to make evrything with photoshop !

Glad to see you again here...

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#19 Massamino



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 01:28 PM

Jup, the grid sucks in android. Can't wait for the fresh blood :).
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- Sony ? (?)

#20 LeSScro



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 10:22 PM

Grid is a feature who make me crazy... i didn't make any skin on Android due to this thing... bu there is a new way with widget pop up, i see on new skin...

i see a lot of screen on MyColorScreen but always same thing... nothing new...

Chris, where are U ?

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