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ToodleDo Sync Issues

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#1 Chris



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Posted 05 January 2013 - 01:14 AM

I've fixed just about every synchronization issue that has been identified with ToodleDo syncing, except one (and it's a big one).

Currently, Due Today maps its projects to ToodleDo's folders. Due Today currently allows you to create subprojects, but ToodleDo does not support subfolders. When I started fixing the issues I used my existing structure, which ended up causing duplicate tasks. This was because I had several subprojects with the same name. And, since ToodleDo didn't allow Due Today to map these correctly, I ended up with broken links in that the tasks belonging to these projects. ToodleDo removed the project associations. Then, when I synced again the tasks didn't match up and created duplicates.

I bring this up because I am faced with a choice. I am currently contemplating removing the subproject feature when the sync method is set to ToodleDo. Then, I would make it impossible to create multiple projects with the same name. I had wanted to create the full hierarchy in the folder name (i.e. "Project : Sub Project : Sub Sub Project"), but ToodleDo also has a 32 character limit. So, any duplicated projects would be named Project, Project 2, Project 3, ... Finally, I would remove the existing hierarchy. Essentially, I would be making the projects act exactly like ToodleDo's folders.

So, my question for everyone here is this: would these changes be acceptable when using ToodleDo? Or, should I attempt to find another way to make this work?

#2 spiffyjacket



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Posted 06 January 2013 - 08:51 PM

First I want to say this is an amazing app, the holy grail for GTD users! My thought is that people who use the toodledo web app probably won't miss a feature they have never had. As for me, subprojects is the main reason I am moving my entire GTD system from toodledo to this app. Once my subprojects are implemented I don't see myself ever using toodledo again. Just please keep your sync server up - my life is in your hands now!

Also, any chance you will be adding a web app?

#3 brisbane.psychologist



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Posted 12 January 2013 - 07:12 AM

I would like to join the above praise for DT as it is a great GTD app, thank you!

I also moved to DT because of it's sub project capacity. I use Toodledo service for synchronisation only and considering that DT synch service is still in Beta (and having recent trouble it seems), I think it's best if the issue at hand was dealth with rather than discarded. In other words, my vote goes to fixing the Toodledo issue, rather than accepting that sub-projects are impossible with it.

I dont know how this works exactly, but I notice for example that google tasks do not seem to support subtasking, yet there are apps like GTO (TinjaSoft) and To Do Tree (Astonsoft) that offer subtasking. Maybe this will help you crack this issue.

I really hope you will address this, or at least provide an alternative.

Thank you!


#4 Chris



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Posted 12 January 2013 - 10:49 AM

For now, I'll be disabling subprojects until ToodleDo can get their note synchronization working properly. At least this way, when syncing with ToodleDo Due Today will behave more like the ToodleDo system. I'd like to fix the ToodleDo sub-project issue, but it's really on them at this point. I can fix the Due Today sync system (and have been), but I have no control over ToodleDo. I've put in a number of requests, as have other devs, but so far ToodleDo has responded that they do not want to implement this.

#5 mikenanimous



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 11:51 PM

Could you just require project names to be unique when using Toodledo as the sync service? I would hate to see Due Today's support of sub-projects go.

#6 Chris



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Posted 19 January 2013 - 02:10 AM

That has already been implemented. If you enter a project that has been created it will rename it Project (2), Project (3), etc., but only when the projects exist at the same level.


Let me see what I can do.

#7 orcjmr



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Posted 21 January 2013 - 02:11 AM

I've just ran into some other app that is synchronising subprojects with ToodleDo, and they claim they use formatted notes to store project dependencies.


Is there a problem with such approach that you mention by "get their note synchronization working properly"?


My vote would be - just throw away ToodleDo's note semantics, overwrite them, ignore them, kill bunnies - just sync dependencies there :-)

#8 Chris



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Posted 21 January 2013 - 11:18 PM

I did try that at one point. However, I was able to identify a bug in ToodleDo's notes synchronization (which they acknowledged), but they didn't have a fix, which caused synchronization nightmares. Then, I got complaints that I was even using the notebook for this feature and was told on numerous occasions to get them out.


That was the final straw which pushed me to write my own sync server. I'll investigate their note synchronization again this weekend and see if they've fixed their bugs.

#9 whisperedel


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Posted 16 November 2021 - 01:22 AM


#10 whisperedel


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Posted 01 December 2021 - 12:42 AM


#11 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:28 AM


#12 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:29 AM


#13 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:30 AM


#14 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:31 AM


#15 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:32 AM


#16 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:34 AM


#17 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:35 AM


#18 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:36 AM


#19 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:37 AM


#20 whisperedel


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Posted 28 December 2021 - 02:38 AM


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