So I backed up my data before each try, and very glad I did!
- First try, invasion of duplicated tasks
- Second try and on, duplicated contexts and tags, with a new duplicate with each sync. Ended up with about 75 contexts and 308 tags after 5 syncs...
- Random java errors (reported via the software)
- Random errors like "folder #XXXXX doesn't exist" (XXXX= a number)
You have NO idea how much I crave a functional sync with DT.
DT is the only android software which implements GTD in a way I can work with, but the absence of sync between a desktop frontend and the android one is terribly frustrating... Google tasks,, My Life Organized,, all offer this convenience. The thing is, none of these implements GTD the way YOU do, which I find vastly superior.
I for one, am willing to pay extra for a fully functional sync between the Windows DT and the Android DT...